Manna Halal Inspection and Certification company aims at upholding the integrity and consistency of Halal foods in the domestic and global market. The company provides consulting services to all sectors of food manufacturing, transporting and serving by providing Halal operating procedures that comply with Global Halal food standards for labeling as well as with the government of Canada’s recently introduced Food and Drug Regulation Amendment 1. B.01.050 which is effective as of April 01, 2016. The company took a proactive approach by developing simplified and comprehensive global Halal food labeling procedures that will meet our clients’ needs. We are the first in the Canadian marketplace to provide such comprehensive consulting services.

Manna Halal Inspection and Certification is the only servicing company that provides a value added service in Halal labels coupled with mandatory food safety services through a single point of contact to all the sectors of food businesses. We have technical experts on board; who have worked for several years with CFIA, national and international organizations in food inspection, food safety auditing and Halal labeling and auditing services.

​In addition to Halal food manufacturing procedures, the company also provides food safety documents in compliance with government regulation in food safety (HACCP and PCP, Preventative Control Program), their implementation, training, inspection, audit and certification services. Manna Halal Certification aims at increasing the consumer base of Canadian food processors/manufacturers by providing Halal labels that are compliant with global Halal standards. This approach enhances the Canadian food manufacturers’ consumer base, since it opens up for them the Muslim world’s vast markets comprising of a population of 1.8 billion people.

Currently, several types of foods that are sold in North America markets are not consumed by the growing population of Muslim communities, due to their non-Halal nature of processing. Our clients can benefit from our services by applying Manna’s customized Halal operating procedures, that make the products eligible to apply Halal labels to products.

Our Halal certification procedures not only comply with government food safety regulations, but also with global Halal standards with widely accepted authentic professional service to clients.  Globally our company is aligned with Standards and Metrology Institute of Islamic Countries (SMIIC), Istanbul, Turkey www.smiic.org, by complying with their Halal standards. SMIIC is a sister organization affiliated with the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) which represents 57 countries. Thus the Halal standards developed by Manna Halal Inspection and Certification company are those that are accepted by 57 Islamic states for import, export and domestic markets.

Our technical experts are also recognized by the International Halal Integrity Alliance (“IHI Alliance”) of Malaysia as a recognized Halal auditor. Manna Halal Inspection and certification has developed customized procedures of operation for Halal certification of foods. These are in compliance with the standards published by SMIIC and IHI Malaysia. Our Halal certification procedures strictly adhere to the hygiene and sanitation procedures recommended by the HACCP as well as ISO 22000 for food safety management systems.